Save Back to Catalog (Product Details Page)

You can now save products in your products details page with our Save to Catalog feature on Surefront. Access this feature on any Project, Quote or Order on your account.
It goes a little something like this:
Head to either a Project, Quote or Order in your Surefront account.
Click into an item's product details page.
At the top right you will now see a "Save to Catalog" button.
Click on the button and it will save the product and all its details into your Catalog.
Any saved items in your catalog can then be used by your sales team to show to Customer(s) to assist in the sales process while the Product Development team gets the product manufactured.
Head to either a Project, Quote or Order in your Surefront account.
Click into an item's product details page.
At the top right you will now see a "Save to Catalog" button.
Click on the button and it will save the product and all its details into your Catalog.
Any saved items in your catalog can then be used by your sales team to show to Customer(s) to assist in the sales process while the Product Development team gets the product manufactured.
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