Receiving a Showcase From Your Supplier
Request a quote from Showcase

Your supplier has sent you new products to review using Surefront's 'Showcase' tool and you now want to request a quote for the products you are interested in placing an order for. Follow the steps below to request a quote from Showcase.
Start by clicking into the email you received from your supplier (you do not need to have an account to access the showcase).
View and select the items you want to request a quote for, then at the top right-hand corner of the page, select “Request Quote”.
A pop-up window will appear where you will need to fill out the quote name and freight terms. Once complete, click 'Send" and a green notification will appear with a link to access the quote that's been generated in the Quotes tab.
Click on the link to be redirected to the quote in the Quotes tab and change the page view to line view. Click Edit to edit or adjust any of the information such as quantities, pricing (unit price is internal information for you to determine your margin, unit cost will be the only price that shows on your supplier's end). Click Save when complete.
Start by clicking into the email you received from your supplier (you do not need to have an account to access the showcase).
View and select the items you want to request a quote for, then at the top right-hand corner of the page, select “Request Quote”.
A pop-up window will appear where you will need to fill out the quote name and freight terms. Once complete, click 'Send" and a green notification will appear with a link to access the quote that's been generated in the Quotes tab.
Click on the link to be redirected to the quote in the Quotes tab and change the page view to line view. Click Edit to edit or adjust any of the information such as quantities, pricing (unit price is internal information for you to determine your margin, unit cost will be the only price that shows on your supplier's end). Click Save when complete.
When you are finished, click the chat button. With our @ mention feature, you can @ your supplier so they will be automatically notified that you have left a message for them to view this quote.
Send it through and that's it! Your supplier will receive the notification in their email inbox and you can continue to communicate through that quote so it will eventually lead into an order.
To find out how to place an order once you are done negotiating, click the button below for further details:
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