October 2024 Release AnnouncementJ
October's Release
We released an update last month. Please see below for an overview of what's changing. We hope this enhances your experience on Surefront. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments via email or chat.
PLM - Product Lifecyle Management
An analytics tools has been added to Projects, Quotes and Orders. This allows you to graph project, quote or order data based on specific requirements with the option to add in field filters.

Click the help article to watch a video and learn more.
PLM - Product Lifecyle Management and CRM - Customer Relations Management
Tags that you have been accustomed to using in the catalog are now available in projects, quotes and orders. Previously hidden tags brought over from the catalog will now be visible.

System Updates
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If your browser has trouble loading Surefront, check first for updates to your browser. If you still experience issues, try another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
When a system update occurs, please refresh your browser by clicking all at once (Ctrl Shift R) for Windows or (Command Shift R) for Mac computers.
If your browser has trouble loading Surefront, check first for updates to your browser. If you still experience issues, try another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
We hope that this update will help supercharge your Surefront capabilities and that you will love it as much as we do. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
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