Jan 2024 Release Announcement
Check Out the Latest Updates in Surefront
JTonight's Release
We have an update scheduled to be released tonight. Please see below for an overview of what's changing. We hope this enhances your experience on Surefront. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments via email or chat.
PLM - Product Lifecycle Management
You can now chat at a project level, similar to how you could chat at a quote and order level. Chat with your internal team by clicking on the chat icon next to Move to Archive.

PIM - Product Information Management / CRM - Customer Relations Management / PLM - Product Lifecyle Management
We have updated the default view for PDF downloads.
Want to do more? For an additional monthly fee customize and save PDF downloads. Click the YouTube video below for a demonstration. Please contact customer support with any questions or to add this feature to your account.

Upgrade your account to be able to download all information within a product detail page to a PDF including notes, images, components. Click the YouTube video below for a demonstration.

Bug Fixes
The below bugs have been fixed. We appreciate your patience while we resolved.
PLM - Product Lifecyle Management
Projects can be moved to archive.
Projects, quotes and orders with multiple pages can be advanced to the second page and beyond.
Projects can be moved to archive.
Projects, quotes and orders with multiple pages can be advanced to the second page and beyond.
System Updates
When a system update occurs, please refresh your browser by clicking all at once (Ctrl Shift R) for Windows or (Command Shift R) for Mac computers.
When a system update occurs, please refresh your browser by clicking all at once (Ctrl Shift R) for Windows or (Command Shift R) for Mac computers.
We hope that this update will help supercharge your Surefront capabilities and that you will love it as much as we do. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
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