How to Duplicate Products in the Product Catalog
Learn how to quickly duplicate or clone a product in your Catalog.

Let's say you are looking to get a quote on a new line of product similar to a product you have ordered before. The only difference may be color, pattern, or size. Instead of needing to create a new product to be added to an RFQ, you can quickly duplicate the product through the Product Details through the Product Catalog.
Here's how it's done:
Go to your Catalog: left menu button > Catalog > Choose any product and go into its Product Details
Once you are in the Product Details, you will see a "Duplicate" Button at the top-right of the page.
Click on "Duplicate" and then you will see a green toast notification indicating the product has been duplicated, and will present a blue "here" link to go to the Product Details of the newly created product.
Now that you are in the new product, you will see that the name/item number of the product is the name/item number of the previous product with an addition of "COPY" appended to the end.
Since you are in the Product Details, you can make any adjustments to the product as needed, and any change will be saved to your Catalog.
Go to your Catalog: left menu button > Catalog > Choose any product and go into its Product Details
Once you are in the Product Details, you will see a "Duplicate" Button at the top-right of the page.
Click on "Duplicate" and then you will see a green toast notification indicating the product has been duplicated, and will present a blue "here" link to go to the Product Details of the newly created product.
Now that you are in the new product, you will see that the name/item number of the product is the name/item number of the previous product with an addition of "COPY" appended to the end.
Since you are in the Product Details, you can make any adjustments to the product as needed, and any change will be saved to your Catalog.
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