Exporting Custom Sheets
How to export your product data into a specific format
Some retailers require their partners to import product details into their own systems for order or item setup. Manually entering data can be an extremely time-consuming process. Surefront can help with the click of a button. Create new custom export formats that you can easily import into your retailer’s system.
Need a custom report from Surefront? Need to import data into another system? Need a thumbnail image? Exports can help with that.
This process is fairly straightforward. With your Customer Success Manager guiding you every step of the way.
Provide an excel template to Surefront
One without data filled in
One with data filled in
Note which Surefront field should be mapped to each column
We'll create the export and advise when ready
Provide an excel template to Surefront
One without data filled in
One without data filled in
One with data filled in
Note which Surefront field should be mapped to each column
One with data filled in
Note which Surefront field should be mapped to each column
Note which Surefront field should be mapped to each column
We'll create the export and advise when ready
Access the Export in Surefront
Exports are available from the catalog, project, quote, and order sections within Surefront.
Select your item(s) by clicking the box next to item number.
Please Note:
Limit 500 items for exports without images embedded
Limit 50 items for exports with embedded images
Click Export
You may have to click on "more" first depending on the screen you are in
A list of available exports will appear.
Choose an export
Click Export
A pop up will appear to name the zip file and save to your computer
Please note exports with images will be emailed to you. A pop up will not appear to save to your computer.
Open the zip file
The excel export will be located within the products folder
Please note: All other folders will be empty at this time
An email will be sent with a link to download all images and the excel export as a zip drive
For exports without images, if the images are not needed, please feel free to delete the email
For exports with images, please click the link to download the zip file
Excel export will be located within the products folder
All other folders will contain every image for the applicable item number
Select your item(s) by clicking the box next to item number.
Please Note:
Please Note:
Limit 500 items for exports without images embedded
Limit 500 items for exports without images embedded
Limit 50 items for exports with embedded images
Limit 50 items for exports with embedded images
Click Export
You may have to click on "more" first depending on the screen you are in
You may have to click on "more" first depending on the screen you are in
A list of available exports will appear.
Choose an export
Click Export
A pop up will appear to name the zip file and save to your computer
Please note exports with images will be emailed to you. A pop up will not appear to save to your computer.
Please note exports with images will be emailed to you. A pop up will not appear to save to your computer.
Open the zip file
The excel export will be located within the products folder
The excel export will be located within the products folder
Please note: All other folders will be empty at this time
Please note: All other folders will be empty at this time
An email will be sent with a link to download all images and the excel export as a zip drive
For exports without images, if the images are not needed, please feel free to delete the email
For exports without images, if the images are not needed, please feel free to delete the email
For exports with images, please click the link to download the zip file
Excel export will be located within the products folder
All other folders will contain every image for the applicable item number
For exports with images, please click the link to download the zip file
Excel export will be located within the products folder
Excel export will be located within the products folder
All other folders will contain every image for the applicable item number
All other folders will contain every image for the applicable item number
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