Adding Special Notes to an Order from your Supplier

When placing an Order from your supplier, you might need to make specific notes or instructions for the entire Order or individual items in the Order.
To do so follow these easy steps:
Go to: left menu button > Departments / Categories > Department > Category > Orders Tab > Pending Tab
At the top of the Order you will see an "Edit" button to the right of the PO#, click on this to reveal a pop-up.
In the pop-up you will see a "Special Instructions" field, where you can fill out whatever notes you would like for the entire Order.
Click on the "Save Order" button to save the changes and updates you made.
You will then notice a "Notes" column all the way to the right, next to each product line item. Click on the box to leave specific notes catered to each individual item for more detail.
Once you save these instructions, your Supplier will see it on their end.
Go to: left menu button > Departments / Categories > Department > Category > Orders Tab > Pending Tab
At the top of the Order you will see an "Edit" button to the right of the PO#, click on this to reveal a pop-up.
In the pop-up you will see a "Special Instructions" field, where you can fill out whatever notes you would like for the entire Order.
Click on the "Save Order" button to save the changes and updates you made.
You will then notice a "Notes" column all the way to the right, next to each product line item. Click on the box to leave specific notes catered to each individual item for more detail.
Once you save these instructions, your Supplier will see it on their end.
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