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Sporting Goods Retailer
Seeking improved supply chain visibility

See how end-to-end VMS can turbocharge their processes.

Client Profile

A vendor of licensed sports merchandise wants a Vendor Management System (VMS) to manage supply chain operations.

The vendor's current system is inefficient and error-prone.

  • They are selling through their own stores and select retailers
  • They have no existing system for product management
  • Their PD information is contained in spreadsheets that are emailed back and forth between internal and external partners

Key Challenges

Sourcing and buying is a multi-step process involving worldwide vendors and necessitating end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Our Solution:

Supply Chain Management - enables efficient management of team members, vendors, and projects to meet expectations and timelines.

Vendor Collaboration - facilitates seamless in-platform communication with vendors, streamlining collaboration.

Vendor Communication - provides key stakeholders with direct, contextual communication with vendors. Includes built-in tools for control over shared information.

New oversight regulations demand full transparency and documentation throughout the product lifecycle.

Our Solution:

Responsible Sourcingallows stakeholders to attach, share, and collaborate in real time on required documentation.

No real-time information from ERP.

Our Solution:

Oracle ERP Integrationconnects with the ERP system to provide real-time information essential for the buying process.

Multiple private label products are in development, each with unique final sell points and varying administrative/documentation requirements across different countries.

Our Solution:

Save to Catalog for Item Update or New Versions and User-defined fieldsallows users to quickly create copies of part numbers. They can also change only those variations required for certain markets and create new custom attributes as required.

High risk of errors due to multiple versions of spreadsheets being shared with vendors.

Our Solution:

Tech Pack Builder, Bulk Update Status/Workflow Tasks, Product Details/Attribute Communicationfacilitates the mass update and communication of multiple attributes to key stakeholders, either en masse or through Tech packs.

No unified system to consolidate the entire product development cycle, leading to fragmented silos of information.

Our Solution:

PLM+PIM+CRM on one unified platformconsolidates all product lifecycle information into a single source of truth, offering transparency and control over the entire product lifecycle without multiple subscriptions, learning curves, or implementations.

Insufficient transparency into processes and milestones.

Our Solution:

Workflow Managementprovides visibility and control into projects and timelines, teams, people, and products and components.

Downstream customers require information in specific formats before placing orders.

Our Solution:

Surefront custom exportsallows selling teams to quickly convert information to customer-specific requirements (i.e. line sheets, or Purchase Order Worksheets) to quickly finalize the order.

Need to control access to information for both internal and external partners.

Our Solution:

User defined fields, Product Details/Attribute Communication, Product Image Collaborationenables situation-specific control over information permissions.

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