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Protective Equipment Manufacturer
Streamline Procurement and New Product Development

This sector faces challenges from regulatory environment to extensive testing and certification processes.

Client Profile

Protective equipment manufacturer with products that are sold both to retail and trade needs to accelerate their global product development process—which is difficult to do when all information is contained in multiple spreadsheets throughout the organization and its vendor base.

Key issues include:

  • New Products come in multiple Iterations, sizes, colors
  • Product Sets are sourced both individually and as sets 
  • Manufacturer rapid turnaround on new part sourcing, pricing, and samples
  • No vision into global status of Categories, Product lines, Products, or Components

Let's examine some key pain points and solutions to this manufacturer's issues.


Key Challenges

Products have differing market-based technical, certification, and packaging requirements.

Our Solution:

With easily creatable private/public Custom Fields, Product Development teams can assign tasks to internal and external partners through Surefront’s unique collaboration platform. Whether it is called a Product Card or a Bill of Materials or an Item #, each can be highly customized to speed the product process from sourcing to sample.

Request for Quotation (RFQ) process is slow and prone to errors.

Our Solution:

Buyers can quickly create customizable Tech Packs or Line Sheets to share the details of a project with vendors quickly and efficiently and get the answers they need faster.

Difficult for global vendors to quickly onboard using forms, spreadsheets, and email.

Our Solution:

Using Surefront’s Vendor Management, Vendor Collaboration, and Vendor Communication Tools, teams can give and get the information they need to qualify new vendors quicker.

No vision into global status of Categories, Product lines, Products, or Components.

Our Solution:

Using Surefront’s Custom Workflows, critical milestones can be assigned to products, teams, and individuals to create  transparency, vision, and control over all of your product processes.

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