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Jewelry Parts Supplier
Wants to streamline external processes

See how Supply Chain Management can simplify their operations.

Client Profile

A global parts supplier to the jewelry industry wants to adopt supply chain management, vendor collaboration, and user-defined fields to simplify processes.

The jewelry supplier’s current system cannot support its operations:

  • They are using disparate internal systems
  • They need dynamic, multiple, and complex attributes in their part #’s

Let's examine some key pain points and solutions to this jewelry supplier’s issues.


Key Challenges

Sourcing precious materials and commodities through worldwide vendors and the need for end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Our Solution:

Supply Chain Management - allows companies to manage team members, vendors, and projects against expectations and timelines. 

Vendor Collaboration -  allows for in-platform communication with vendors to streamline communication and work toward goals.

Responsible Sourcing - allows stakeholders to attach, share, and collaborate in real time on required documentation.


The need for highly individualized attributes on raw, semi-finished, and finished materials that are both bought and sold.

Our Solution:

Product Information Management (PIM) - keeps information unified and consistent while allowing for data flexibility to accommodate changes for data repurposing easily.

User-Defined Fields - offers flexibility to adapt/react to changing product and business conditions easily.

Buy and sell teams need in-process cost calculations based on fluctuating commodity costs.

Our Solution:

Bill of Materials - allows for product/family/set flexibility (e.g. parent/child, linked components) and customizable cost calculator.

Need for visibility and control throughout multiple processes throughout the product lifecycle.

Our Solution:

Workflow Management - provides visibility and control into projects and timelines, teams, people, and products and components.

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